Buying Your First Motorbike. Tips To Keep It Running.

Buying Your First Motorbike. Tips To Keep It Running.

So you've just bought your first motorbike! Congratulations! Now that you're the proud owner of a two-wheeled machine, it's important to keep it in good condition by performing regular maintenance. This blog post will discuss four essential maintenance tips that every new motorbike owner should know


Check your motorbike's fluids regularly

One of the most important things you can do to keep your motorbike in good shape is to check its fluids regularly. This includes oil, coolant, and brake fluid. Checking these levels will help ensure that your motorbike is running smoothly and prevent any potential issues.

Oil is especially important because it lubricates the engine and prevents overheating. Make sure to check your owner's manual to see what kind of oil is recommended for your motorbike. You should also change your oil every few months or after riding a certain number of miles, whichever comes first. This can all be done when you take your bike for a professional motorbike servicing every once in a while.

Clean your motorbike regularly

Another important maintenance tip is to clean your motorbike on a regular basis. This will help keep the bike looking good and prevent any rust or corrosion from forming. To clean your motorbike, start by giving it a wash with soap and water. Then, dry it off completely to avoid any water spots. Next, you can use polish or wax to protect the paint and make it shine. Be sure to pay special attention to the chrome parts of your bike, as they can easily become dull if not cleaned properly. In addition to washing and polishing, you should also inspect your motorbike for any cracks or damage that may need to be repaired.

Check the tyres

Another important maintenance task is to check your motorbike's tyres.

This includes checking the air pressure and tread depth.

Air pressure should be checked at least once a month, and you should add more air if it is low. You can find the recommended tire pressure in your owner's manual or on the placard that is affixed to your motorbike. As for tread depth, it is crucial to have enough tread on your tires so that they can grip the road properly. In addition, you should also check for any cracks or damage to the tyres. If you find any, it is best to replace the tyre as soon as possible.

Finally, remember to always practice safe riding habits. This includes wearing proper safety gear, such as a helmet, gloves, and boots. Additionally, you should avoid riding in bad weather conditions and obey all traffic laws. By following these tips, you can help keep yourself safe while on the road.

Store your motorbike properly

When you're not using your motorbike, it's important to store it properly. This includes keeping it in a cool, dry place out of the elements. If possible, you should also cover your motorbike to protect it from dust and dirt. Additionally, it would be best if you disconnected the battery to avoid any potential issues.

In conclusion, these are just four of the many maintenance tips that every new motorbike owner should know. By performing regular maintenance on your bike, you can help keep it in good condition and prevent any potential issues. So get out there and enjoy the open road!