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The truly lively Livewire from Harley Davidson.

Harley Davidson the name conjures up thoughts of loud motorbikes and a certain look of biker. This has all changed with the introduction of the scorching Livewire electric bike.

I have the pleasure of riding a Livewire to test it, and I will be posting my thoughts on her along with images and links to Youtube clips.

A few rides into my week of testing and the Livewire has my head and heart divided.

I love riding it, but the range is restrictive. I love riding it, but the price is huge.

Lots of people having been asking would I buy one? A tricky question to answer.

If I had the money to afford one and also own another bike then yes. I could not have it as my sole bike because it would not allow me the freedom of a regular petrol burner.

After a couple of rides in Sport mode which I have to say is awesome, the range depreciates rather quickly. Too quickly to allow you a decent ride of any length.

I will be riding in the other modes and let you know how I get on.

The Livewire has quite strong regenerative capture once the throttle is released so you dont get a glide as much as other electric bikes. it is like applying a brake without touching the brakes.

Good points. Blisteringly fast, smooth, handles well, quiet. Also comfortable. Bad points. Price. Range. Buy one? probably not. I couldnt justify paying the money for it. Would I have one though yes. Lots of fun and offer everything a bike does but for range.